
Helm Chart Repository


Helm must be installed to use the charts. Please refer to Helm’s documentation to get started.

Once Helm is set up properly, add the repo as follows:

helm repo add cert-manager-webhook-oci https://thpham.github.io/cert-manager-webhook-oci
> helm repo update
> helm repo list
cert-manager-webhook-oci https://thpham.github.io/cert-manager-webhook-oci
> helm search repo -l cert-manager-webhook-oci/
NAME                                                    CHART VERSION   APP VERSION     DESCRIPTION
cert-manager-webhook-oci/cert-manager-webhook-oci       1.0             1.11.2          Allow cert-manager to solve DNS challenges using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure DNS

You can then run helm search repo cert-manager-webhook-oci to see the charts.


We’d love to have you contribute! Please refer to our contribution guidelines for details.

Helm chart build status

Release Helm Chart